Friday, January 20, 2012

I Know Where I've Been....

Hey, Friends!

It's been a pretty incredible week for me, I have to admit. Not that it's all been perfect -- by any means. But I feel like I've taken some much needed steps on the journey to my dreams.

In talking with a dear friend, I realized that some of the surface-y things that bother me in my day-to-day life are caused by deep-rooted issues that I've never taken time to confront. Things like never feeling good enough, questioning my purpose on this earth, and feeling that the pursuit of my dreams is selfish. They play out in my life as feeling lazy, trying to work enough to justify theatre, and worrying about things that I have no control over. Like I said -- deep stuff.

The kind of stuff that isn't fun to talk about ... issues that are frustrating. I like to avoid that kind of stuff; always look on the bright side of life, right? But it was freeing to finally face these chains that have been holding me back. I've let fleeting comments from people sink deep into my heart and sway my actions over the years. . . I've allowed the Truth to be replaced with lies that I have chosen to believe instead.

Woah, Suzy, you might be thinking, what does this have to do with Broadway? 


I have always loved that Musical Theatre is a reflection of life, raw feelings, and the knowledge that even when we don't have an answer for something, we have a song.

So, this is my song. I don't have answers for what comes next -- but I don't want to forget the revelations that I had this week. They are a testament to progress being made, a bookmark in a previous chapter, a marker on this winding road called life.

Therefore, this week's song choice is none other than: "I Know Where I've Been" from Hairspray, sung by Queen Latifah. Not the Broadway version, I know -- but I just love me some Queen Latifah. Can you blame me?

I know this song is about race and equality -- but the idea that you can get through tomorrow because you haven't forgotten yesterday is a powerful way to look at life, no matter who you are or what you're facing. Our past does not define us, it makes us ready for the future.

"There's a light
Burning bright
Showing me the way
But I know where I've been." 

"There's a dream
In the future
There's a struggle
That we have yet to win
And there's pride
In my heart
'Cause I know
Where I'm going." 

"Oh! When we win,
I'll give thanks to my God
'Cause I know where I've been."

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